Time Dilation & Length Contraction (Symmetry)

Time Dilation and Length Contraction Derivation:

Time Dilation Derivation

Concept: Time dilation describes how a moving clock is observed to tick more slowly compared to a stationary clock.

  1. Consider a clock at rest in frame K that ticks every Δt seconds.

  2. In the stationary frame K, the clock moves with velocity v.

  3. During one tick of the clock, light travels a distance d to reflect off a mirror and return:

    • In the rest frame K, the light travels a total distance of d+d=2d.
    • In frame K, the time taken for the light to travel is t=2dc.
  4. The distances are related by the Lorentz transformation:

  5. The time interval in the stationary frame K is:

  6. Substituting these into the distance equation gives:

  7. Solving for t yields:

  8. Now, substituting back:

  9. Hence, the time dilation formula is:


Length Contraction Derivation

Concept: Length contraction states that the length of an object moving relative to an observer is measured to be shorter than its proper length.

  1. Consider a rod of proper length L0 at rest in frame K.

  2. When the rod moves with velocity v relative to an observer in frame K, its endpoints are measured simultaneously in K.

  3. Let x1 and x2 be the positions of the endpoints of the rod in frame K:

  4. The Lorentz transformation gives the positions in the moving frame K:

  5. For simultaneous measurements in K (t1=t2), we have:

  6. This simplifies to:

  7. Since γ=11v2c2, the length contraction formula becomes:


Derivation of Relative Velocity in the Lorentz Transformation

Let's consider a particle with position $ x(t) = u_x t $ moving with velocity $ u_x $ in the $ x $-direction, and apply the Lorentz transformation to calculate its velocity in the $ K' $ frame.

The Lorentz transformations are given by:


Now, differentiating both equations with respect to time:


For time:


Thus, the relative velocity in the $ K' $ frame becomes:


Similarly, for the $ y $- and $ z $-components of velocity:

