Generalized Coordinates

In classical mechanics, generalized coordinates are a set of coordinates used to describe the configuration of a system in terms of its degrees of freedom.

Instead of using standard Cartesian coordinates, which may be cumbersome(PS:- idk why but like that's what old folks say about solving complex system) for systems with constraints, generalized coordinates allow us to describe the motion of a system with a smaller set of variables. These coordinates are denoted as qi (where i=1,2,3,,N), and their time derivatives q˙i represent the generalized velocities.

Degrees of Freedom:

The number of generalized coordinates needed is equal to the number of degrees of freedom of the system. For example:

Lagrangian in Generalized Coordinates:

The Lagrangian is typically expressed in terms of generalized coordinates and their velocities:


This generalization allows us to apply the principles of mechanics to systems with complex geometries and constraints.